Library Book Haul

Today I went to my local library and picked a couple of books that were already on my TBR. My local library had a separate section with only dragon books. I had never noticed this section before. I picked Tooth And Claw by Jo Walton from that section. I have never read a book with... Continue Reading →

My First Worldcon

I attended my first Worldcon (Worldcon 76) last weekend and it was amazing! Worldcon, or more formally the World Science Fiction Convention, the annual convention of the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS), is a science fiction convention. It has been held each year since 1939 (except for the years 1942 to 1945, during World War... Continue Reading →

Books Inc Bookstore Visit

Books Inc is a local independent bookstore (a family run) and I started visiting it a lot after they opened a branch in Santa Clara. They have the best sci-fi and fantasy section I have ever seen and knowledgeable staff who can recommend some great books. I have visited some of their other branches but... Continue Reading →

Kinokuniya Bookstore Visit

This is the second post in my series of posts on bookstores. Link to my previous bookstore visit post. I first came to know about Kinokuniya bookstore when I enquired about Death Note funko pops at a Japanese store in a local mall. The shopkeeper asked me to check in the Kinokuniya bookstore. I visited... Continue Reading →

Nonfiction Book Haul – Part 2

Usually, we end up buying books that others recommend to us. Rarely do we browse through synopsis of books and pick books that interest us. I recently shopped for books by just choosing ones that interested me, without checking the reviews online. None of these books were recommended by any of the book reviewers out... Continue Reading →

Nonfiction Book Haul

Usually I see good reviews about a book and then end up buying it. I don't usually proactively search for a book on a topic and then read it. But this time I did that. I proactively searched for a good book on the topics that I was interested in learning more about and ended... Continue Reading →

Indie bookshop book haul

I used to shop at Barnes and Noble all the time, just because it was the closest bookstore I had. And now a new Independent (Indie) bookstore has opened closer to where I stay (compared to B&N). And this bookstore is great! Last time I visited this bookstore, they were about to close and I... Continue Reading →

Contemporary books haul

This year I have been buying books a lot. My tbr was shrinking and I added some books from many genres to my tbr. I did not add lot of books in a single genre though, except maybe fantasy and science fiction. Since I read many genres, adding few books in each genre results in an explosion... Continue Reading →

Adult classics book haul

I had done a Classics book haul earlier in this post, but it had only children's classics. This time I am hauling some adult classics that I bought this year. When I took a look at my tbr pile, I realized that I only had two huge unread classics on my bookshelves. That was when... Continue Reading →

Classics book haul

I recently went on classics buying spree. There were many classics editions that I had been eyeing for a long time. I decided it was time to buy them as I am planning to read some classics this year and next year. So I got myself some of these wonderful editions of classics, most of... Continue Reading →

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