Books Inc Bookstore Visit

Books Inc is a local independent bookstore (a family run) and I started visiting it a lot after they opened a branch in Santa Clara. They have the best sci-fi and fantasy section I have ever seen and knowledgeable staff who can recommend some great books. I have visited some of their other branches but... Continue Reading →

Kinokuniya Bookstore Visit

This is the second post in my series of posts on bookstores. Link to my previous bookstore visit post. I first came to know about Kinokuniya bookstore when I enquired about Death Note funko pops at a Japanese store in a local mall. The shopkeeper asked me to check in the Kinokuniya bookstore. I visited... Continue Reading →

City Lights Bookstore visit

Recently when I was reading a book about Shakespeare and company, I came across this bookstore. The author mentioned that Lawrence Ferlinghetti who stayed at Shakespeare and Co. opened this bookstore after returning to US. He said this is like a sister bookshop to Shakespeare and Co. and I was immediately interested in visiting this... Continue Reading →

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