Games, Movies and Books Update

Hi all, It's been a while since I have blogged. This year has been the worst year of my life and everyone else's too. I have lost interest in doing everything this year, thanks to the anxiety and stress because of everything that is happening in the world right now. I am still trying to... Continue Reading →

Baycon and Aladdin

This long weekend was all about Baycon and Aladdin. I attended David Brin's interview in Baycon and got my copy signed from him. He is a scientist and a hard sci-fi writer. He has won 2 Hugo awards and Nebula awards. If you like the idea of dolphins in space, you should read his books.... Continue Reading →

Random post

Life has improved a lot as I started my new job. I am loving the new team, manager who is extremely soft spoken and the work which is quite interesting. I am trying to learn everything and fit into the new environment. I am definitely not missing my old team and work that I did... Continue Reading →

Scott Pilgrim Graphic Novels

Last month, I finally finished all the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels in the series by Bryan Lee O Malley. I started this series 7 years back when the movie first came out. I read 2 books and then never read the others. I was recently searching for a movie when I noticed Scott Pilgrim movie... Continue Reading →

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