Top Ten SF Books on my TBR

2018 is almost over and I have few trips planned for end of this month and next month so I will not be blogging much. I was looking through my TBR when I realized there were some backlist books that I really wanted to get to as soon as possible. This list will be part of my TBR for next year, 2019.

Here are the ten books that I want to read asap. Let me know if you loved any of these and would like me to prioritize them over others.

1. Too Like The Lightning by Ada Palmer – I tried reading the ecopy and got bored after reading few pages so did not buy the book. But then I met this author in Worldcon and heard her speak in panels and award ceremony. I felt she was an intelligent woman and also well read. I liked her so much that I ended up buying a copy of her book after meeting her.

2. Downbelow Station by C J Cherryh – I wanted to read this book in 2018 but could not. I want to read something by this author soon. I heard she is great at writing alien stories.

3. Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold – I own first 3 parts of this massive series. This was also part of my 2018 TBR but got pushed to next year because of lack of time. I tried listening to it on audiobook but the narrator made it sound boring. I want to give the physical copy a try.

4. Kindred by Octavia E Butler – I will try to read this book in december but looking at how I have planned too many things for december, I will likely read it in 2019. Another author that I have been meaning to read for quite sometime now.

5. Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie – I tried reading this book multiple times and never got drawn into the story for some reason. I will give it another shot next year when I am in a good mood.

6. The Player of Games by Iain M Banks – I still have not read this famous series. What is wrong with me?! This is on top of my TBR for next year.

7. Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky – This was part of my november TBR but I will not be able to read it this year. So pushing it to 2019. I am most excited about reading this book.

8. Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse – Another author I met in Worldcon and loved listening to her talk. Her Hugo award winning speech made me want to pick this book asap.

9. The Power by Naomi Alderman – I loved the premise of this book and I have a feeling I will like it. I tried listening to the audiobook and hated the narrator. I want to try the physical book soon.

10. The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu – A book that has been on my TBR for last 2-3 yrs I guess and still have not read it. I wanted to read it this year too but did not. I am definitely reading it next year.

What is on your TBR?

15 thoughts on “Top Ten SF Books on my TBR

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  1. This is the reason why authors must spend some money and energy participating and communicating at book-related events like WorldCon. You were inspired to get at least two books because of that! 🙂

    Destination Infinity


  2. I haven’t read any of these but Trail of Lightning sounds fabulous- I want to read that too. Downbelow Station is one I’ve always kinda wanted to read but never have- I like stories set on space stations generally and I like the sound of the space opera elements.

    I hope you get to all these soon!


  3. I loved Ancillary Justice! It took me a while to get into, but once I did it was so worth it. I really want to read Too Like The Lightning, it sounds so interesting. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ancillary Justice was definitely a struggle at times to get through, given the protagonist and the setting. There were parts I enjoyed, but I do remember getting to the ending and not being entirely sure what happened. I’ve had the sequel on my TBR for so long I’ve forgotten a lot of book one. A book reader’s problem!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh good to know I am not alone. I did find it hard to get through Ancillary Justice even after attempting to read it multiple times. I am determined to finish it just to see what the hype is all about. Sorry to hear the ending was not satisfactory. Many authors do that just to compel us to pick up the second book. If we don’t read the second book immediately, we forget what happened in the first book. I have multiple series where I read the first one and did not proceed with the second one. Now I cannot even read the second book since I hardly remember anything. 😦


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