Forward the Foundation – Book Review

I finished the second book (in chronological order) in the Foundation series this week. It picks up exactly from the point where the previous book (Prelude to Foundation) ended. I recommend reading the original trilogy before reading these two prequel novels as they will seem boring if you do not know anything about the Foundations... Continue Reading →

Death’s End – Remembrance of Earth’s Past Series Review

I finished the third and final book in the Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy by Cixin Liu today and it has now become one of my most favorite series ever. It is a hard sci-fi series, originally written in Chinese and later translated into English. The series is full of amazing innovative ideas and was... Continue Reading →

SciFiMonth 2019 TBR

Scifi month is back and I am participating this year as well. You can sign up if you are interested in reading and discussing science fiction with fellow fans here. I had kept aside some books on my TBR so that I could read them in November. This time I planned my TBR well in... Continue Reading →

The Dark Forest – Book Review

I just finished reading The Dark Forest which is a sequel to The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu today. This series has been translated from Chinese and The Three-Body Problem won Hugo award. The Three-Body Problem: I did like The Three-Body Problem but for the most part, I found it little boring. The novel starts... Continue Reading →

The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi

My thoughts on this Hugo Nominated book - Synposis:  "Our universe is ruled by physics and faster than light travel is not possible -- until the discovery of The Flow, an extra-dimensional field we can access at certain points in space-time that transport us to other worlds, around other stars. Humanity flows away from Earth,... Continue Reading →

The Grand Design – Book Review

There was a lot of hullabaloo about Stephen Hawking's new book, where he stated : "Modern physics has now proved that God played no role in the creation of the universe." Atheists and theists, everyone was commenting on this statement. Theists wrote a lot of posts (just on WordPress) refuting Hawking's statement and saying that... Continue Reading →

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