Prelude to Foundation – Book Review

Foundation series by Isaac Asimov is one of my all time favorite book series. It was also the first science fiction series that I ever read so it has a special place in my heart. I had read the original trilogy and had been planning to read the prequels and sequels that were written later... Continue Reading →

Death’s End – Remembrance of Earth’s Past Series Review

I finished the third and final book in the Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy by Cixin Liu today and it has now become one of my most favorite series ever. It is a hard sci-fi series, originally written in Chinese and later translated into English. The series is full of amazing innovative ideas and was... Continue Reading →

The Dark Forest – Book Review

I just finished reading The Dark Forest which is a sequel to The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu today. This series has been translated from Chinese and The Three-Body Problem won Hugo award. The Three-Body Problem: I did like The Three-Body Problem but for the most part, I found it little boring. The novel starts... Continue Reading →

Startide Rising – Book Review

I will be attending Baycon this year which is a Bay Area Science Fiction Convention. I heard about this convention when I attended Worldcon last year. David Brin is going to be attending the convention and there are multiple panels that he will be taking part in. I thought this would be a perfect time... Continue Reading →

Books Inc Bookstore Visit

Books Inc is a local independent bookstore (a family run) and I started visiting it a lot after they opened a branch in Santa Clara. They have the best sci-fi and fantasy section I have ever seen and knowledgeable staff who can recommend some great books. I have visited some of their other branches but... Continue Reading →

Best Books of 2017

I read a total of 96 books in 2017, out of which a major portion were graphic novels and comics. I will do a separate best graphic novels/comics list. This list just has full length novels. I loved way too many books this year but I am narrowing the list to include 12 books only.... Continue Reading →

Nonfiction Book Haul – Part 2

Usually, we end up buying books that others recommend to us. Rarely do we browse through synopsis of books and pick books that interest us. I recently shopped for books by just choosing ones that interested me, without checking the reviews online. None of these books were recommended by any of the book reviewers out... Continue Reading →

Oct Wrap Up + Nov TBR

October was a good reading month for me as I read 6 novels. One of these books was in audiobook format and the rest were physical books. I had two 5 star reads which rarely happens in a single month. Two books got 4 stars and one book got two stars. So only one book in October disappointed me. Books I read... Continue Reading →

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