Sci-Fi Month 2018 TBR

Sci-Fi Month is back this year and I am participating in it, even with a hectic schedule and an upcoming vacation planned. Sci-fi is one of my favorite genres and what better than to celebrate a month reading Sci-fi with fellow fans of this genre.

Sci-Fi Month is hosted by Imryil and Lisa and here is the intro post which talks about the challenges, participants and giveaways. You can also follow twitter handle @SciFiMonth for updates.

My TBR for this year looks like this –

I will be trying to read at least one of these books which are on my TBR and will review it, but the plan is to read as many as possible.

  1. Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky – I am most excited to read this book after learning that it has giant alien spiders. I will start with this book and see if I like it. The synopsis of the book has me really intrigued.
  2. Kindred by Octavia E. Butler – I am trying to read more female SFF authors and Octavia Butler is a very famous female author I have not read anything by. There is also a readalong for this book at Feminist Orchestra bookclub on Goodreads. It is a pretty small book so I am hoping that I will be able to finish it soon.
  3. Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu – This book has been on my every single TBR from last 3-4 years or so and I still have not read it. My copy has been lying on my bookshelf for way too long unread and I am hoping that I am in the mood for some hard scifi this month. Otherwise, I will push it to next year’s TBR.
  4. The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham – If I do not feel too stressed out and have the energy to read a classic, I am planning to try this book about giant man eating plants. I love dystopia and this sounds like something that I might like.
  5. The long way to a small angry planet by Becky Chambers – Another book which has been lying on my TBR for way too long. I even got my book signed from the author herself in worldcon this year. I did not have this book on my TBR earlier but seeing that there is a readalong being hosted by Sci-Fi month hosts, I am planning to give it a try.

I might end up reading something which is not on this TBR too. It really depends on what I feel like reading this month.

Are you participating in Sci-Fi Month? If so, what are you reading?

23 thoughts on “Sci-Fi Month 2018 TBR

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  1. Have fun with SciFi Month! A Long Way To A Small Angry Planet is one of my favorite books, and I’ll be re- reading it for the readalong. Can’t wait! And ooh Day of the Triffids! I reviewed the movie recently but have never read the book. Fun!


    1. You are joining for the readalong too! That’s great. It will be nice to read with so many people. I am excited to finally read the book this month. I didn’t know Day of Triffids had a movie adaptation too. Thanks 🙂


  2. I’ve been putting off Children of Time for aaaaages now because SPIDERS. I’m such a wuss 😀

    I’d really like to read Kindred though. I read Wild Seed a few years back, and it was really thought provoking.


  3. Hello fellow space adventurer, I’m just checking out all of the TBR lists that have been shared as part of SF Month!

    I LOVE your TBR, you have so many good books on it. I’m also reading Children of Time for SF Month and really looking forward to it


  4. Children of Time is on my TBR this month as well! Kindred is one of my favorite SF novels, though hard to read at times. As if Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. I think you have some good reading ahead! I hope this month treats you well and you find some new favs!


  5. Hallo, Hallo Avada,

    I am wicked thrilled your taking part in our #smallangryplanet RAL!! I am starting to find some of your replies went unanswered yesterday and I am trying to sort out which ones I missed overall as the tweets were not getting through properly! I found them now on TweetDeck but during the chat when I had both Twitter & TD open to view the chat itself, I found the lag time was disrupting some of the continuity of who was responding. Thanks for contributing such thought-provoking responses! Overnight I posted my fuller revelations of having read the first chapter break for the RAL and how this story is evolving into being one of my next beloved reads!!

    Like you, I am focusing this year on clearing my shelf of the reads I wanted to get through in past years which makes me giddy happy!!


    1. Hi Jorie, thank you so much for visiting my blog. And thanks for hosting the readalong for small angry planet book. That book was on my TBR for so many years. Glad to be reading it along side so many readers while also chatting with you all about the book. I read your blog post about the small angry planet twitter chat on my phone, but couldn’t comment.


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