Modern girl ?

Is a girl modern only if

– she chooses to sleep with any man she wants

– she wears skimpy clothes

– she hits bars and pubs and drinks

– is aware of the current fashion trends and likes wearing makeup

What if a girl

– just wants to earn her own living and not be dependent on others

– wants freedom to choose whether to be religious or not

– does not want to belong to in-laws (and let them make decisions for her) and wants to make her own decisions in life

– wants freedom to read books, watch latest movies, gossip with girlfriends and listen to western music

– does not like wearing Sarees but does not want to wear mini skirts or bikini either

– is modern in her thinking

– is modern enough to follow current musical trends or movies or books

– is a nerd and wants to study/learn instead of going to beauty parlors

– is not interested in latest fashion and makeup

– is not interested in cooking, even though elders dictate that it is her job

– is interested in gadgets, gizmos, science and technology like most men are

Is she is not a modern girl? Who is a modern girl? How do you define who is modern and who is not?

I see books based on modern women (*cough* *One Indian girl*) focusing only on her choice to choose men or her choice to drink. There is so much more to a modern girl.

10 thoughts on “Modern girl ?

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  1. I agree that some Indian authors/shows/movies only seem to think modern women = drinking and sex. I like to think it’s more about independent thought — if that includes drinking and sex, so be it but it’s not the only thing. It’s all the things you mentioned as well. In the end, it’s about not being bogged down by doing what others say what you should do and do what you want to do.


  2. That drinking, smoking and other such addictions that eventually hurt a lot, are consciously forced to people sometimes in the name of liberation, modernity and what not. Did you know that shopkeepers consider only those people who always keep shopping to be ‘modern’? The best way to tackle these things is to do what we consider best for us, not what others think is best. People are very selfish.

    Destination Infinity


    1. Yeah true. Just in name of westernization and thinking that one is modern, people get into drinking and smoking. You know what is worse – if you don’t drink, people think you are some backward person.


  3. I think all the things you described first are taken up by films and books simply to emphasise their point. However, it is the little freedoms, the small amount of independence that counts towards making a big difference in our daily lives.


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