Fantasy series on my tbr

I usually go through reading phases. Like last year, I was totally into non-fiction and most of the books I read were non-fiction. There was an year when I was obsessed with dystopia and read plenty of them. Starting of this year, I was obsessed with sci-fi. But now I am suddenly obsessed with fantasy – mostly epic fantasy, high fantasy books. Few years back, I was reading more young adult fantasy and disliked most of them. That was when I realized I liked fantasy but not “young adult fantasy”. I prefer darker books, with political intrigue, adult stuff instead of romance or coming of age kind of stories. Exactly like the Song of Ice and Fire series or Lord of the Rings. If the story is based in medieval age, then it is a plus point. I also like lot of magic and fantasy elements in the story. After reading Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, I realized world building is another important aspect that I like in a fantasy book.

So this year and next year, I want to start some high fantasy adult series. There are so many good series that I have not read. I am listing some of them that I am planning to start soon. I recently asked for a recommendation on Goodreads and people recommended me plenty of good high fantasy series. I am so thankful to Goodreads.

Adult high fantasy series –

  • Gentleman bastard by Scott Lynch – I have heard so many good things about this series. It has been compared to A song of Ice and Fire series. GRRM has praised this series himself. I am planning to start it right after the books that I am currently reading.locke2
  • Dresden files by Jim Butcher – Detective novel set in a fantasy world. Best of the two worlds in one single book. Mystery and fantasy are two of my favorite genres so I need to read this series soon.dresden3
  • The Malazan book of the fallen by Steven Erikson *** – Again I have heard so much about this series. I have no idea what this is about. I usually don’t read much of reviews or synopsis for fantasy books as they usually even have spoilers. Like recently, I read a review for Mistborn which said who will die at the end of the book in the first line of the review. I mean, what the hell! What is the whole point of reading the book if you know what is going to happen?malazan4
  • The Magicians by Lev Grossman – There is a TV series already being telecast based on this book. The trailer looks amazing! I have heard this book is not like Harry Potter, even though it involves a magic school. It is supposed to be darker and the main character is very dislike-able character. I want to read the books and then watch the TV series.magicians5
  • Shannara chronicles by Terry Brooks *** – Another book series which was converted into TV series. Trailer looks very promising with lots of action. I was reminded of Lord of the Rings when I saw the trailer as it involves elves etc. I want to read this series soon and then watch the series.shannara6
  • The first law by Joe Abercrombie – I have heard many good reviews about this series but I have no idea what it is about. I did not read the synopsis completely.firstlaw7
  • The stormlight archive by Brandon Sanderson – I loved Brandon Sanderson for the amazing world building that was done in Mistborn. However, I did not like it enough to continue with the series as it sounded more like a young adult novel, than an adult novel. So I am going to read a different series by him which people say are his best series so far.stormlight8
  • Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb – Another very famous series which is about a King’s bastard or something. Again I don’t want to read a detailed synopsis about this series. Just want to read it and figure out what it is about.farseer9
  • Wheel of time by Robert Jordan ***- This is one of the most famous fantasy series ever and every single person has read it. I am intimidated by the number of books in the series which is probably 20 books or so. I won’t find time to finish this series in the near future so I am just pushing it from several years now. wheeloftime10

I had decided to not read YA fantasy novels ever again, after some really horrible novels I read last year and early this year. But there are two series which are extremely famous and I was curious to know what is good about them. So I finally gave in and added two of them to my tbr pile. I plan to read these soon.

YA fantasy series –

  1. Lunar chronicles by Marissa Meyer – I love fairy tales and I heard this is a retelling of Cinderella, Red riding hood, Rapunzel and Snow White. Also I have never read a fairy tale retelling before. I am curious to know if I will like this fairy tale retelling subgenre. Also this series is extremely popular and every single person I know has read them.cinder1
  2. Raven cycle by Maggie Stiefvater – Another YA series which is really famous and it looks like it is little different from the other YA novels out there. So I thought of giving this series a shot.raven2

Do you read fantasy? If so, have you read any of these series? Do you have a fantasy tbr of your own?

8 thoughts on “Fantasy series on my tbr

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  1. There was a popular Tamil writer named Jayakanthan. He passed away last year. Another leading writer said of him: When Jayakanthan writes that the rickshaw driver was squatting on the road and smoking beedi, the readers felt the smell of beedi smoke around them. That much powerful writing style.

    Similarly, Joe Abercrombie does not write dialogue. He writes characters, and they speak to us.


  2. I found fantasy difficult to read. I dropped the first book of Harry Potter series midway because of this! But I must try GoT kinda fantasy with lots of intrigue, etc. I just wish those books were not so thick. Is any book you recommend above less than 200 pages?

    Destination Infinity


    1. Yeah you should try some epic/high fantasy and see if you will like them. Usually fantasy novels are big because there is a lot of world building – they have to explain everything about this new world they create and the magic system in that world, also introduce characters and that takes a lot of pages. But once you are done reading, you will feel amazing. Also they are faster to read. You won’t even realize you read a 600 page book! I think all the ones listed are pretty huge in size.


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