
I really liked today’s top ten tuesday topic at The broke and the bookish. So here I am listing the top ten authors that I have never read. I have been reading a lot of young adult and fantasy novels from past few years. I want to reduce that and get back to reading some serious novels soon.

  1. Stephen King : He is one of the best fiction writers out there. Unfortunately, he only writes horror. I own his book “The stand” and recently I bought his famous book “On writing” too. I will definitely read one of the two books this year.
  2. Robin Cook : I own a book of his – “Mutation” from quite sometime and have still not read it. I have heard people rave about his medical thrillers and I am eager to read a book written by him.
  3. Ken Follett : He is another famous writer I have never read. I again own couple of his books like “The Pillars of the Earth” and “Eye of the needle” and plan to read one of them soon.
  4. John Steinbeck : I want to read his book “The cannery row“, since it talks about a place that I like and have visited. I have also heard a lot about “The Grapes of wrath” (which has won the Pulitzer prize) and “The mice and men“. The author has won Nobel prize in literature. Enough reasons to read him, right?
  5. Jack London : I recently got hold of “The call of the wild” and I want to finish it soon. I heard about Jack London for the first time when I was reading “Into the wild”. I made a mental note to read his books when I read some references/quotes from his books.
  6. Jhumpa Lahiri : I have heard a lot about her books, especially “The Namesake“. Even though it is not a genre that I read, I want to read at least one of her books. Most of her books are based on immigrants, so it might have something that I could relate to.
  7. Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Leo Tolstoy : I am not sure I will like their books, but I still want to give them a try someday. I have not read any Russian authors in the past.
  8. Arthur Hailey – his novel “Airport” and
  9. Alistair MacLean – his novel “Where Eagles Dare“. #8 and #9 do not belong to my usual genres but I have heard my dad praise these two authors a lot. I still have not given them a try, even after so many years. I guess it is not too late to read these two authors.
  10. Somerset Maugham : I watched the movie “The Painted Veil” which was based on his book with the same name and I loved it. I want to read one of his books soon. Probably I will start with “Of Human Bondage” which is a novel that my father really likes.

So many authors to read, so little time. Not fair.

What popular authors have you never read?

P.S: I broke my rule for the first time. I have still not replied to comments on my earlier post. I could not resist myself from putting this post. Will reply to the comments asap.

30 thoughts on “Top ten authors I have never read

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  1. I too have not read many authors from this list, but I remember reading two books by Arthur Hailey and liking it very much. The best thing about his books is, if I remember right, you can just understand how an airport works (and the various processes involved) while reading an interesting story woven around it. I rated his books very high, back then. I am not sure how much I will like those books now, but I guess I will.

    I am starting my (fiction) reading journey with some famous classics. I have started with ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and I love the way it is written 🙂

    Destination Infinity


    1. I want to read Arthur Hailey someday. I have heard my father praise his books a lot.
      I read ‘Pride and Prejudice’ when I was in school and did not like it. I tried to read it again couple of years back and still did not like it. 😦 I gave up in the middle since I still found it boring. I don’t know why everyone likes it, except for me.


  2. I have read a lot of Stephen King novels, almost all 🙂 :).
    Arthur Hailey’s books are very informative, like by reading airport you can get to know how it all works there and the same with most of his books. I started airport and also hotel but could not complete it. My father also admires him a lot.
    Love reading Robin Cook and also Ken Follett. My father reads a lot so there are a lot of old author books. Have you read David Baldacci or Micheal Chrichton ?? They are good too. I have always wanted to read classics. I am reading Jane Eyre now and it is goood 🙂


    1. I am scared of reading horror and that is what prevented me from reading his books all these years. I think I will somehow muster some courage and finish a book this year. 🙂
      Looks like your father’s taste is very similar to my father’s when it comes to books.
      I have read Michael Crichton but not David Baldacci. I must try one of his books then. I have not read Jane Eyre too.


  3. I too haven’t read the books of any of these authors. The problem with me is that I don’t explore the variety. 😦
    It’s time I do.. I recently bought a Jhumpa Lahiri book. I really hope it doesn’t disappoint me!!


    1. Me too. I am usually stuck to few authors and I keep reading their books. I need to venture out and try some new authors.
      I have heard a lot about Jhumpa Lahiri’s books. Let me know if it is worth buying.


  4. I have read Stephen King, Robin Cook, Ken Follett and Arthur Hailey from your list. Except for Stephen King I have read more than 3 books of the other 3!! All these are amazing authors in their own way!


  5. I too haven’t read most of these authors. I always end up picking books on a whim, not based particularly on authors or such. I will see if I can get my hands on some of these books during my next trip to the bookstore.


  6. I’ve heard about Stephen King too, but have not read his books, And Arthur Hailey’s books are really informative. I’ve read many books of his. Going to read Jumpa Lahri soon. Hopefully.


  7. I have read Arthur Hailey, Robin Cook and didn’t like it much. Somehow I didn’t like it that the whole book is all related to one topic. Like airport or hospital. But, that was years ago. May be I will like it now.

    I have read few others and they are awesome.


  8. I haven’t read any of the authors except Hailey’s Airport and Hotels and Maugham’s Cakes and Ale and loved it. I don’t know why but the other authors just don’t call out to me.


    1. Thanks for visiting my blog Maddie. 🙂
      Me too! I have a feeling I might not like their books and that’s the reason why I have never read a single book from all these authors. But I guess I should give their books a try.


  9. My father is a fan of Robin Cook books. Although I got bored after reading 2 of his books. I’ve read a couple of Stephen king novels, and Jhumpa Lahari books, and quite liked it. I am sure you will enjoy them. I had this desire to read huge classic novels and with that intention started reading Anna Karenina few weeks back. It is quite intense, so put it on hold after reading few chapters, and started reading a lighter novel. I hope I will retrieve back to finishing that book!!


  10. I have read only Robin cook from that list, and who says they are top ten ? :/ One day I started reading that cholera book… what’s the name? [google-break] Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez, I suffered from a reader’s block for almost 6 months. A simple chetan Bhagat would turn me off too during that period, it was so bad… and mind you, this GGM guy was apparently the top ten, I read somewhere! 😛

    I have varying appetite for reading.. But when someone says ,these are top ten – go read – I feel saturated and get back to reading small happy dan brown fictions 😛 😛

    But, do let us know how these books that u’ve mentioned turn out! 🙂 I love to read reviews 🙂


    1. Haha.. they are not top ten. They are top ten just for me. 🙂 I just listed ten authors who are immensely popular and those whose books I have not read so far. Is Love in the time of Cholera that bad? I will make sure I don’t read that book then. I stopped reading Chetan Bhagat long back, in fact I have stopped Indian authors altogether.
      Sure I will put the reviews, if and when I finish these books.


    1. I am scared of horror movies, books etc and hence the delay in picking Stephen King’s books. Let me see if I can somehow gather some courage for his books this year. 🙂


  11. Indeed so many writers and so little time… I still have to read so many from your list itself as well. Thanks for sharing them. Helps me to narrow my list.


  12. Stephen King is worth checking out. A lot are more supernatural than ‘horror.’ Robin Cook and Ken Follett are a hit/miss. Jack London is a must read in my opinion.


  13. Some Stephen King books are good (highly recommend Misery, Pet Semetary, and Carrie), some are average, and some are just awful.

    I know the previous generation is very fond of Arthur Hailey, Robin Cook, and Alistair McLean, but I found their books ok only. But you must read Somerset Maugham’s short stories, they are awesome.


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