When I Hit You – Book Review

'When I Hit You: Or, A Portrait of the Writer as a Young Wife' by Meena Kandasamy got released last year and I added it to my TBR immediately since it is a semi-autobiographical account of marital abuse. The author underwent abuse from her husband and this book is a fictionalized version of that. I... Continue Reading →

It’s a date

For me, dates have never been important. I don't really care if it is someone's birthday or anniversary or whatever. Dates are dates, that's it. As long as you care for a relationship, dates are not important. I somehow try to remember the dates of close ones, like mom, dad, husband and few cousins. Other... Continue Reading →

Anniversary time

In a few days, it will be ONE year since I got married. I just cannot believe it. Time just flew. It feels like yesterday that we got married and it is already one year! We started out with living in two different cities and now finally settled in a good apartment and spent $$$... Continue Reading →

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