Jan 2019 Wrap Up

2019 has been a hectic year and I have not been able to read the books that I had planned to read. Instead, I am reading books that were not even part of my TBR. I saw the Marie Kondo show and Salt Fat Acid Heat show and suddenly got inspired to do some organization... Continue Reading →

When I Hit You – Book Review

'When I Hit You: Or, A Portrait of the Writer as a Young Wife' by Meena Kandasamy got released last year and I added it to my TBR immediately since it is a semi-autobiographical account of marital abuse. The author underwent abuse from her husband and this book is a fictionalized version of that. I... Continue Reading →

My India trip

It has been long since I visited India. I am desperately awaiting my India trip in august. I want to spend as many days as I can in India this time. Desperate to - Meet cousins, aunts and uncles. Show India to my son. Eat, eat, eat out in every possible restaurant - there are... Continue Reading →

Indian Monuments

UNESCO World heritage monuments in India:Ā http://whc.unesco.org/en/statesparties/in So here is a list of all the world heritage monuments and I have knocked out the ones I have been to. Please consider this as a tag and list all those that you have been to. And if you feel some other monument deserves to be on this... Continue Reading →

Wordless Wednesday – 2

Better late than never šŸ˜› Supermoon and Air Show. Clicked atĀ Aero India 2011 Show onĀ 12 Feb 2011, at Air force station Yelahanka, Bengaluru Supermoon (on 19th March 2011)Ā full moon that coincided with a close approachĀ by theĀ Moon to theĀ Earth (moon was within aboutĀ 221,567 miles of Earth).

Bryan Adams in India

Finally! I made up my mind and finished this post after like 2 weeks. Bryan Adams made a world tour and there was a show of his in Bengaluru recently. I had once bought tickets for a Celine Dion show, which got postponed šŸ˜¦ I wanted to attend a Bon Jovi concert, but did not... Continue Reading →

Childhood Comics

Recently Sid shared some of his super hero creations with us. And that created a ripple of nostalgic memories, a blast from the past. Around 15+ years back, I was hooked to some Indian comics when I spent some years of my life in North India. Most of these comics were in Hindi and very... Continue Reading →

The Indian Dream

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 3; the third edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. I found it very hard to write on this topic. I did not know... Continue Reading →

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