Some good news

I have been pretty irregular here and there was a BIG reason for that. This is my first post from my phone, so bear with me. This post may have plenty of typing and formatting mistakes because of that.

The reason for my absence has been a very handsome and cute guy – our son!  🙂 He made an entry into the world last month and has kept us all on our toes ever since. He is a super active boy and he was like that even when he was inside my belly.

I always wanted a boy. I wanted a boy because I think it is wonderful to have all the freedom in the world without being discriminated. Also I never had a brother (I have cousin brothers though), so I have no idea what it is like to raise a boy or to grow up as a boy. It will be interesting to learn more about the other gender.

When I knew we were having a baby, I kind of freaked out, even though we had planned it. (But I was also excited since I love babies). But I am sure I can never be as good as my mother at taking care of my baby. Thanks to my mom and dad, taking care of him in these early months has been a breeze. But it really is a LOT of responsibility. This person is totally dependent on you. You brought him into this world, so you are responsible for his well being.

As soon as he was born, few of my friends and my cousin came to visit him. It was great meeting people after so long. I had no time and energy to socialize in the last 10 months or so.

The only good thing was that I did not gain much weight during pregnancy and I am already back to my pre-pregnancy weight. 😀 Ever since I got pregnant, the only thing I was dreading was labor. Labor was painful, more painful than I ever imagined it to be. Now I understand the real meaning of “pain”. 😛 I used to be scared of injections earlier, but now I feel injections are not at all painful. I understand what it is like to feel pain level 10 on a scale of 1 to 10. Hehe.

I will be back soon once I get some spare time, which is rare these days. Also any free time I get is spent in catching up on sleep. I have 10 months worth of sleep to catch up now.

34 thoughts on “Some good news

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  1. Hearty congratulations again. 🙂 You are already back to pre-pregnancy weight? Amazing. It took me almost an year. 🙂

    10 level pain. My god. 🙂 You are a super woman. 🙂

    Wishing you both health and happiness. 🙂


  2. Congratulations!! YAY!!!! Great to hear this!

    And you know I wanted a son for the very same reason as yours 😀


  3. HEartiest congratulationsssssssssssssssssss… that is lovely news .. God bless the little one ..

    party time yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


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