Movies Top 10: Leonardo and Will

I am on a movie watching spree these days so you can expect lot of movie reviews from my side. My favourite actors, apart from Tom Hanks are Leonardo Dicaprio, followed by Will Smith. I am listing 5 movies of each of them which I loved the most and I admire these actors for delivering such mind-blowing performances in those movies.



This movie entered my all-time most favourite movie list. If anyone says that they did not like Inception, I am sure others are going to think they did not “understand” the movie 🙂 The plot is pretty complicated and brain boggling. Leonardo has given his best performance ever in this movie. I love the movie for the plot, special effects, literally everything!

Cobb: What is the most resilient parasite? Bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient… highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed – fully understood – that sticks; right in there somewhere.


This is another movie which many people might find difficult to understand. The ending comes in as a shock and you desperately would want to watch the movie once again, just to catch a glimpse of all those clues that you did not care for, during the first time you watched this.  Leonardo has given two brilliant movies this time and I am hoping he wins Oscars this time. He totally deserves an Oscar for both this movie as well as Inception. Some stupid friend of mine told me the suspense even before I watched the movie (even though I never wanted to hear) 😦  Why do people reveal suspense element in a movie?! Another friend did the same thing for Karthik calling Karthik, which I so badly wanted to watch.As a result, it was not that much fun but still I enjoyed watching it.

Teddy Daniels: I gotta get off this rock, Chuck. Get back to the mainland. Whatever the hell’s going on here, it’s bad. Don’t worry partner, they’re not gonna catch us.

AVIATOR (2004)

Another brilliant movie by Leonardo. This was the first movie of his that I really really enjoyed watching, mainly because of Leonardo’s acting. Based on a true story, it is about an aviator Howard Hughes and his career. One of the best movies based on some real person I have ever watched. Before watching this movie, I always thought Leonardo was best only for chocolate hero kind of roles. But after watching this movie, I realized that he can do any kind of role with excellence 🙂

Howard Hughes: He owns Pan-Am. He owns Congress. He owns the Civil Aeronautics Board. But he does not own the sky.

Howard Hughes: Actresses are cheap in this town – and I got a lot of money


We watched this movie on the day it got released and what a brilliant movie, this one is. It is about a terrorist group in middle east and as an undercover, Leonardo tries to hunt down the terrorist group leader. His acting is very good and I even liked the sweet love story of his with a middle eastern girl. She, being from an orthodox family takes him to her sister, before she can even date him.

Roger Ferris: But are you pure or are you just as corrupt as the capitalist Westerners that you despise? To me, you are f**king slaves. You’re slaves to the Saudi oil sheiks and the Wahabi oil money that funds you. And when that oil money runs out, my friends you will all f**king disappear into the ashes of history.


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I found this movie pretty lengthy and at times, found it little dragging. But the acting of Leonardo and Djimon Hounsou were what made me fall in love with this movie. The story is based in Africa where Leonardo is in pursuit of a diamond, as a smuggler. This movie is based on facts and it shows how young children end up becoming rebels/terrorists and can even end up shooting their own people. This is something that I found really touching in the movie.

Danny Archer: Sometimes I wonder… will God ever forgive us for what we’ve done to each other? Then I look around and I realize… God left this place a long time ago.

Danny Archer: In America, it’s bling bling. But out here it’s bling bang.

M’Ed: This my country, man. We here long ‘fore you came – long after you gone.

Apart from these I loved Leonardo in Titanic (obvious, aint it), Catch me if you can (one of my all-time fav movies already mentioned in the Tom Hanks top 10 post), The Departed (did not like the movie much – especially the ending, but still loved his acting in this movie).

A friend once told me, “Will Smith is such a crappy actor”. Then I asked him, “have you seen Pursuit of Happyness and Independence day?” He said “No”. I told him “then you have no right to say he is crappy. You have missed all his good movies and call him crappy?” In fact later I found out that he had not watched even a single movie of Will Smith and he was judging him on no basis. I love Will Smith because of his acting skills. He is one of the best actors.


This is one movie which will be in top 10 of my all-time favourite movies.  I never knew Will Smith could act *this* well, before watching this movie. This is again based on a real person, a story about rags to riches. Will Smith’s son has acted as his son in the movie and the kid has acted so well! I love the dialogues a lotttttt. This movie is a tear-jerker and every time I watch it, I end up crying 🙂 A must watch movie!!!!

Christopher Gardner: I met my father for the first time when I was 28 years old. I made up my mind that when I had children, my children were going to know who their father was.

Martin Frohm: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I hired him? What would you say?
Christopher Gardner: He must have had on some really nice pants.


Another touching movie after Pursuit of Happyness. Since he is responsible for the death of 7 people, he tries to help 7 other lives in this movie. The ending is one of the best endings I have ever seen in any movie. Isn’t it great when someone helps others, without expecting anything in return from them? When someone helps at the cost of everything they have? He looks great in sensitive roles as well as in action movies. He brings tears in your eyes, just with a single facial expression, even without dialogues. Not every actor can do this.

Ben Thomas: In seven days, God created the world. And in seven seconds, I shattered mine.

Emily Posa: Why do I get the feeling you’re doing me a really big favor?
Ben Thomas: Because I get the feeling that you really deserve it.

I AM LEGEND (2007)

There was a time when Superhero movies were a rage. Before Hancock, Will Smith acted in this movie where he is a lone survivor in whole of NY, when the city gets infected with a virus. Humans become zombies and Will tries to survive in such a hostile place. He just has a dog for company. He is the only human you see in most part of the movie but still he keeps the viewers interested. One has to act so well in order to not make the movie boring. How many people can actually do this?

Neville: God didn’t do this. We did!

I-ROBOT (2004)

This is my most favourite Robot movie ever and I am sure no other movie can replace this (Enthiran? Hell no! Love is such a strong emotion that we as humans don’t understand it properly. Is it ever possible to program it into a machine? Are you kidding me?)  Some people argue that Sci-fi movies have no logic. But I do not agree! If they even make a sci-fi movie, they put so much of logic in it that even the most unbelievable thing, looks believable. When science has advanced so much, why should we think that something is impossible?! Before we landed on moon, there were sci-fis showing man on moon and when such movies got released, people thought it was nonsense. But man did land on moon eventually 🙂 I love this movie for everything – the action sequences, Will Smith’s performance, Robot Sonny, the amazing story by Isaac Asimov. One of the best sci-fi movies EVER made!

Detective Del Spooner: Human beings have dreams. Even dogs have dreams, but not you, you are just a machine. An imitation of life. Can a robot write a symphony? Can a robot turn a… canvas into a beautiful masterpiece?
Sonny: Can *you*?

Detective Del Spooner: Look, I understand you have experienced a loss, but this relationship just can’t work. I mean, you’re a cat. I’m black. I’m not going to be hurt again.


This was the first sci-fi I ever watched in my life and that is one of the reasons why I love this movie. The special effects are amazing and Will Smith’s as well as Jeff Goldblum’s acting is worth appreciating. Even Bill Pullman as the president has done a wonderful job. The speech by the president at the end is something that I like a lot. I am fascinated with science and aliens so this is just the kind of movie I always wanted to watch 🙂

Captain Steven Hiller: Didn’t I promise you fireworks?
Dylan Dubrow: Yeah.


This is one of my most favouriteeee TV series. I never watched an Afro-American sitcom and this was my first one but it is soooo amazingly hilarious that I have seen each and every episode of this atleast twice. Will is simply brilliant with his one liners and the way he keeps making fun of his loser brother Carlton is cute. Hilary is his beautiful dumb sister whose dialogues are really fun. I fell in love with each and every character in this sitcom. Everyone of them has given a great performance and Will especially is very charming and funny 🙂 I love his friend Jazz too, who is totally dumb and not well mannered and is a perfect tapori sorts 🙂 If I had to make a list of quotes that I love, I would list each and every dialogue from this sitcom 🙂 🙂

Hilary: I’ve always wondered… since coffee is made from beans, does that make it a vegetable?

Hilary: What kind of idiot picks a password no one can guess?

Will: Carlton, I think you’ve been deprived of oxygen at birth.

Jazz: The directions on the shirt said “Hand Wash”. So that’s exactly what I did. Before I put the clothes in the washer, I washed my hands.

Carlton: Why don’t you act like an adult?
Will: Why don’t you look like one?

Will Smith also rocked in movies like Hitch and Men in Black.

51 thoughts on “Movies Top 10: Leonardo and Will

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  1. Cool list.. Leonardo has improved a lot from a ‘girlie’ boy to a hard hitting macho these days, thanks to Mr. Scorsese.
    Will Smith, don’t have much to prove as he done a wide variety!!


  2. That’s an awesome list you’ve made. I’m a die-hard fan of Leonardo DiCaprio and have watched all his movies! Will Smith is another favorite actor. I have seen all the movies you’ve mentioned and loved them all. They are all a must-watch. And watching Inception was a mind-blowing experience. Nolan is a great director. Have you seen his other movies like The Prestige, Batman Begins and Memento. Christian Bale is another favorite actor of mine 🙂


  3. Am not a movie person at all: and unless its a slapstick comedy or a high reality flick, I prefer not watching it…basically, dont have the patience for movies 😀
    As i’m typing this, am watching one on TV…but amidst it, i’ve already put the clothes out to dry, fed the puppy, given him a sponge bath, read your post and commented 😀

    But I LOVE Will Smith and Independence Day is an all-time fav!


  4. I have watched only 3 movies (Inception, Independence day and I-robot) and all the other movies are in my must watch list.. will do soon…

    Keep coming with these lists AK.. 🙂


    1. Oh yeah even I got really scared when I watched I am Legend for the first time.. on top of that, I watched it in the theater making it more scary! Even I have seen Independence Day countless times and to add to that, now I own a Bluray too 😀


  5. 🙂

    I watch Independence Day every time I find it running on TV. Just too exciting to miss.

    Among the many sequences, I really like the one where Will Smith is being chased by the alien. And the way he tricks it and gets it to crash.

    The best bit is how in most Hollywood movies, the characters have the wits to crack really funny dialogues in times of emergencies. And Will Smith wasn’t left wanting on that front in Independence Day too. 😛


    1. Me too.. I keep watching Independence Day and IRobot again and again, now that I even own their Bluray..
      Yeah the scene where the alien chases him is really very good.. Will Smith especially is good at dialogue delivery too.. and in most of his movies I have seen witty dialogues from him in the most serious scenes 🙂


  6. ‘The pusuit of happiness’ – I too cried while watching this movie. Father and son, both acted very well.

    7 pounds: Touchy movie.

    Independence day: Quite a good movie, watched it a couple of times in TV.

    De Caprio is a good actor and have watched many movies of him – good movies.


  7. I loved shutter was an intriguing watch. My friend asked me to watch the movie and tell him wat i understand frm the ending and i ended up writing a 5 page post about it 😀 Inception..stl in pending list..departed, catch me if u can, titanic all ticked and rest not.

    Will smith!!! can anyone hate this guy!!! i loved his role in HITCH and pursuit movie and fresh prince of Bel air ranks right there along with FRIENDS and SEINFELD for me 🙂 u left out bad boys series 🙂 dint like them? martin lawrence and him and their one liners 😀 too gud but no brain movie


    1. 5 page post on Shutter Island? lolz… I looved that movie.. so complicated ending right? 🙂 You should watch Inception.. I am sure you will like it.. it is definitely one of the best movies ever made 😀
      Will Smith was great in Hitch too! Yeah Bad boys series was good too.. have just seen one in the series,, need to watch the rest..
      Fresh Prince of Bel-air ranks with Seinfeld and Friends for me too.. I love these three the most! Can watch any no. of times and still not get bored 😀


    1. WP assigns icons to people randomly but I think since the email you enter is same everytime, it recognizes you and assigns the same pic always 😀 you can add a pic for urself at, then your pic will appear here instead of this 🙂


  8. The pursuit of happiness is easily the best movie i have watched till now. Though I admit that i have watched only two movies in the above list, I am confident that nothing can beat that movie. On the other hand, I now have eight more good movies to watch.

    Sadly, whatever movies i pick up these days is sad! I wanted some action and took a movie called ‘Leningrad’ hoping to catch some aero fighting and all that, but all you have in that movie is talking, talking and more talking!! Just before that I wanted some comedy and selected ‘Naan Magaan Alla’ !!! Mera time hi kuch aisa hai! 🙂

    Destination Infinity


    1. Yeah for me too! It is one of the best movies I have seen 🙂 Leningrad? Never heard of it.. you know how you should choose movies.. check out imdb list and you can also check action movies under it. Most of the times, movies listed there are good.. In the above list, watch I-robot and Body of Lies/Blood Diamond if you like action movies 🙂


  9. You missed just 2 of my other favorite Leo movies like – Romeo + Juliet, Revolutionary Road. You already know how much I love Leonardo.

    Hitch is the only other Will Smith I saw apart from the movies you mentioned :). Oh, havent seen seven pounds. I liked him mostly in Pursuit of Happyness and Independence day. I love your movie posts :). I really really do 🙂 :).


  10. Nice list..I also like Will Smith and specially in Persuit of happiness.
    But I felt cheated after watching shutter island.
    Catch me if you also very good.and blodd diamond too.
    keep giving us the list:)


    1. Yeah the ending was too much of a surprise in Shutter Island right? 🙂 I immediately wanted to watch the movie again, just to see if the director gave any clues throughout.. Thanks Renu 🙂


  11. hmmm well I am not a fan of leonardo , but i will say the blood diamond , body of lies were lovely movies i liked him in them , havenot seen inception yet ..

    and WILL SMITH now he is a class apart , each of his movies has been lovely to watch, I started watching him from fresh prince of belair, he is hilarious in that .. then came the MIB … and others followed he is avery good actor, Irobot, pirsuit to happiness are just a WOW moviess

    thanks for sharing



    1. You havent seen Inception? It’s definitely the best movie of this yr! do watch it !!
      He became one of my fav actors mainly because of his acting in Fresh Prince of Bel-air 🙂 Hope you have seen Seven Pounds. If not, do watch it. He is amazing in that movie too 🙂


  12. Willsmith Tom hanks and leonardo are definitely the best ,..
    Shutter island was just amazing … it just blew me away and so was inception ..
    I have been thinking to see persuit of happiness for a long time now ..
    and Independence day has been one of the first hollywood movies i saw. I have seen it more times than any other movie .


    1. Even I was happy to see him act sooo well in both the movies – loved both Inception and Shutter Island this yr..You should definitely not miss watching Pursuit of Happyness.. it is one of the best movies ever made for sure..


  13. i thought inception was the movie of this sure its gonna win a lot of awards…and all the movies u picked for both r some exceptional movies…

    i saw pursuit of happiness and that day decided that im putting will smith next to naseerudin shah [my ultimate fav actor in the whole world] when it comes to acting talent… i was crying like a baby in the movie and the acting was soo phenomenal

    and i can never stop watching the reruns of fresh prince…its sooo funny everytime!!

    follow if u like what u see?



    1. Thanks Prutha! and welcome to my blog! 🙂
      Yep I hope Inception bags some awards this time! Pursuit of Happyness is what made me like Will Smith’s acting. He entered my fav actors list after watching that movie..
      Thanks for your blog link! I will definitely take a look.


  14. From this list, I would like to see Inception, Aviator, Blood Diamond, Seven Pounds.

    I have liked Will Smith’s acting, and have liked his performance in MIB, Bad Boys, I Robot etc. Am not really a fan of Leonardo, but liked watching Catch me if you can. 🙂


    1. Yeah please dont miss Inception! It is easily the best movie of this year.. Aviator is another great movie. I am sure you will Leonardo in these movies. And Will Smith is a great actor too.. Watch “Pursuit of Happyness”..he has given his best performance in that movie (according to me)!


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