New camera and Rose Garden

I bought a new full frame camera and it is a dream come true as I have been wanting to purchase a professional camera for quite sometime now. I always felt my entry level DSLR was not capable of taking good photos. I would look at photos taken by some friends using their full frame camera and wish I had one too. So finally I got one for myself and did a first photo shoot at a Rose garden nearby.

I experimented with settings and there are many new settings which I am yet to learn. It will be a great experience learning this new camera over the next year or so. I had stopped using DSLR these days since I had no time to take photos with a toddler on tow. But now I am planning to resume this hobby of mine going forward.

These were the photos that I took today at the Rose Garden –

12 thoughts on “New camera and Rose Garden

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  1. Nice photos, especially the violet rose 🙂 I had an Advanced P&S camera, but now I take most pics using my mobile camera as those seem to have improved a lot now! And it’s easy to take them anywhere 🙂

    Destination Infinity


  2. Congratulations!! I was in exactly the same boat and took the plunge and bought a full frame camera last week. Do you have instagram, would love to see more of your photos 💜


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