Top Ten Bookish facts about me

Today’s topic at Broke and Bookish is top ten bookish facts about me.


  1. I can’t read a book while traveling in car or bus. I get easily distracted by the view outside my window. But most of the books I bought and read as a kid were read on a train during summer vacations.
  2. I can’t keep a book down without finishing the chapter that I am currently reading.
  3. I can’t listen to audiobooks. I cannot concentrate on what someone is saying, while I am doing something else.
  4. I like to read even fiction books deeply – enjoying the writing, marking interesting phrases or quotations. Sometimes I read a paragraph multiple times if I like it.
  5. I like to read slowly. I don’t read just for story or fun.
  6. I can’t read many fiction books back to back. I need a nonfiction to act as a breather in between. I like to interleave fiction and nonfiction.
  7. I cannot marathon or binge read a series. I need to read other books in between for a change else I get bored.
  8. I cannot read books belonging to same genre back to back as I get bored.
  9. On Pottermore, I was sorted into Ravenclaw which I feel is the house that suits me more than any other house. In Ilvermorny sorting, I was put into Thunderbird.
  10. I have been reading books ever since I could read on my own and I have always loved books. I don’t remember the first book that I read. I read a lot of children’s magazines and comic books when I was pretty young.

14 thoughts on “Top Ten Bookish facts about me

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  1. I used to think I can’t multitask with audiobooks but I’ve found that I can, it just has to be certain types of audiobooks and certain types of tasks. Non-fiction works best for me, right now – kind of like podcasts.

    Also yay for non-fiction readers! I don’t read a lot of them but they have a special place in my heart, and I’m always on the lookout for more. What non-fic are you currently reading? 🙂


    1. I should probably try listening to non-fiction audiobooks. So far, I have only tried fiction and have failed miserably.
      I just finished a biography on author Enid Blyton and now reading a fiction. Will pick up a non-fiction book right after that. What are you reading currently? Thanks for reading the post and welcome to my blog 🙂


      1. Yeah, I’m the same! I haven’t yet listened to a fiction book that I like, and I feel like non-fic is easier to follow in audiobook format.

        Oooh, how was that biography? I loved Enid Blyton as a kid! I’m currently reading Bad Romeo with a couple of people over at Twitter – trying to not read more because I have about 5-6 reviews to write and I need to preserve my memory of those books. 🙂


  2. I end up reading always anywhere moving or not! but then there are days, I don’t read at all.. may be I should just take up this prompt .. what all would I be writing about the bookish me,


  3. I don’t understand that Pottermore point – perhaps that’s exclusive for Harry Potter book readers 🙂 I love audio books/text-to-speech, that’s the only way I am able to read books nowadays. But I am not able to listen to them in a car/train/bus. I find it difficult!

    Destination Infinity


    1. Pottermore is a website where anyone can register for free and it has some exclusive content – new material written by JKRowling for fans. They also sort people into houses of Hogwarts based on some questionnaire prepared by her. 🙂


  4. Yeah, I can’t read the same genre back to back either, but I am a total binge reader when it comes to series. In fact, I rarely read series which are not complete. Patience is not my forte.

    P.S. I can relate to your feelings about audiobooks, because I shared those feelings until recently. But I am a convert now, and they have been total game changers for me. I am planning a small series on audiobooks – I do hope you check it out. Would love to hear your thoughts.


    1. That’s great. I have tried so hard to binge read a series but after reading one or two books, I feel like reading something else. But after a small break, I come back to the series.
      I would love to read your post about audiobooks. Also please give any tips on listening to them.

      Liked by 1 person

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