Adult classics book haul

I had done a Classics book haul earlier in this post, but it had only children’s classics. This time I am hauling some adult classics that I bought this year. When I took a look at my tbr pile, I realized that I only had two huge unread classics on my bookshelves. That was when I realized that it was time to buy more classics and to read more classics. Ever since I bought my Kindle, I have been mostly reading classics on it as they are free. But there are some really famous classics which I wanted to own as part of my home library collection so I decided to buy a physical copy.

The two classics that I already had on my bookshelves were –


I tried reading “Of human bondage” by W. Somerset Maugham which is supposed to be based on his own life, but found it to be tedious. Even though most classics are tedious to read, this one was huge in size and because of that I found it intimidating. I need to pick this book again and finish it someday. The other classic that is lying on my bookshelf from many years is “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens. I picked this book for $1 in a sale and the condition of the book is great. It has golden pages and it’s a beautiful book. I got intimidated with the size of this book too so haven’t picked it up yet. I loved his Christmas Carol book a lot so I am sure I will like this one as well.

Now that we are done with the books that were on my tbr pile, let me talk about my recent haul. I bought 5 classics and I ordered most of these books from UK as the UK covers and editions were better than the US ones.

  1. Dracula  by Bram Stoker – I had not planned on buying this book as I already had it on Kindle. But when I was buying a book, I had to add another in order to get free shipping so I decided to add this inexpensive edition of this classic. I fell in love with gothic-horror genre when I read Frankenstein some years back. After that, I finished most of the popular books (Rebecca, Picture of Dorian Gray, Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde) in that genre except for this one. I am most eager to read this book and then watch the movies. I haven’t seen any Dracula movies as well, as I always avoid horror books/movies.dracula1
  2. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen  – I have read Pride and Prejudice in the past and disliked it. I spoke about it in this post. After watching and liking Sense and Sensibility movie, I was planning to give Jane Austen another chance as I really liked this movie. I felt it was better than Pride and Prejudice so I decided to read the book and see if I will like this book of Austen’s.austen4
  3. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte – Bronte sisters are one of the most famous authors ever and I have not read a single book by them. Since I did not like Pride and Prejudice, I avoided all the books that were based in that era. Also I usually dislike novels which have romance as the central theme so I am still not sure if I will like these books. But I definitely wanted them in my collection and want to read at least in order to see what is so great about these novels.
  4. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte – I already know the story of this book and I found it interesting. I want to read this book as I have heard too many good reviews about it and since everyone seems to have read it, I don’t want to be the only person who has not read it.bronte2
  5. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy – I was going through my book collection and I realized that most of the authors that I have read have been from UK or US. I have not read many foreign authors and I am planning to fix that. So I got myself a copy of this book by a Russian author as I have never read any book from that country. Again this book and the movie are very famous, so I want to read it soon.anna3
  6. Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy – I have been wanting a read a book by this author since my father keep recommending this author to me. I finally got a book of his which I plan to read soon. I want to also watch the TV series based on this book, once I am done reading it.tess_sm

Other than these, I want to read books by Alexandre Dumas, Homer, Franz Kafka, try a different smaller book by W. Somerset Maugham, more books by Charles Dickens and many more classics.

Have you read any of these classics?

15 thoughts on “Adult classics book haul

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  1. I want to read sense and sensibility. I tried reading Anna Karanina and even finished 200 pages. Although the writing style and character development is great, the story was moving at a snail’s pace. So I dropped it. I tried to read Charles Dickens, I think tale of two cities, but couldn’t follow the language, so dropped it too. I suggest The Great Gatsby – short and crispy, it’s good 🙂

    Destination Infinity


  2. Other than A Human Bondage and Dracula I’ve read the others, though a long time ago. I’ve read a fair bit of Thomas Hardy too but Kafka and Dumas is unchartered territory. I wonder if I will have the patience to plough through the classics now.
    PS: You didn’t like Pride and Prejudice? Need to check out your post.


    1. I did not read many classics as a kid as I mostly liked suspense and mystery – mostly Enid Blyton kinda books. I have hardly read anything with romance in it, as I usually don’t like them 😦 Need to see if I will be able to finish these classics.


  3. I’ve read some in school, I’m planning on reading dracula soon though, preferably in audiobook form since I really liked the narrator in the preview.


  4. I’ve read all these (though I’ll admit I didn’t quite make it to the end of Anna Karenina). But they’re all amazing and I’m sure you’ll love them, particularly Dracula. That’s definitely my favourite from this list.


  5. Anna Karenina left me devastated!! Be ready to keep some chocolates handy for you will need it. Jane Eyre is so beautiful … I read it twice. I tried reading Dracula but the narration just didn’t connect with me. Sense and sensibility too… couldn’t finish because the narration is more tiring than PnP … I should give it a try again. But I loved PnP though 🙂 Far from the Madding crowd by Thomas Hardy is my favourite… Do give it a read.


  6. Have you checked out the Classics Club? That is a sure shot way to read more classics than what you would normally do. I am sure I might not read many classics if it was not for the classics club. No hard and fast rules which makes the reading experience way easier.


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