My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla

I am copy pasting this review from my book blog 🙂 You can skip this post if you have already read this.

Great book about one of the greatest inventors of all time. Sadly this book is “too” small and he just gives us a very brief glimpse of his inventions and ideas.

I did not know many things about him before reading this book like: Tesla was involved in wireless research, Marconi actually stole the Radio idea from Tesla. I always related Tesla with alternating current and did not know that he was into wireless as well.


I also liked that his main intention for inventing something was not to get applause or make money. He did all the hard work only for the betterment of the society. I admire him for his ideas to unite the world using wireless, using aerial machines as he calls them that revolve around the Earth. His dream was to invent some mechanism to transmit electricity without using wires, using the Ionosphere of Earth as a conductor and thus make it free to use.
“Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment and merging of races… There is in fact but one race, of many colors.”

He was way ahead of his time and people did not encourage many of his brilliant ideas, which is really sad. They thought his ideas were too unpractical(he even mentions that people laughed at his ideas). But we now see those ideas were realistic since many of them have been implemented in real life.

Even though he was a scientist, he strongly believed in God!


I watched a movie sometime back about Tesla – “The Secret of Nikola Tesla(Tajna Nikole Tesla)“. This movie went into the details about his life. I did not know about his involvement with Niagara project until I watched this video. Edison thought he was the “father of electricity” and couldn’t tolerate another man coming up with a better form of electricity (Alternating current by Tesla). He never cared for money and he gave all his money to Westinghouse without thinking twice.

Do watch it if you are interested in learning more about this man’s inventions.

Check this link for more details about his work: Oatmeal’s article about Tesla

27 thoughts on “My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla

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  1. Have you watched the move The Prestige (by Christopher Nolan)? You should.. There is a brief appearance of Nicola Tesla in the story and if there is somebody who can show him splendidly, it is Christopher Nolan…
    Now I will also try to get this book and read it. I also really like Tesla 🙂


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