First is the best

No matter what, the first time you buy/do something, you are super excited. And that remains in your memory for a longer time. The first school that we went to, the first set of friends that we ever made (though I hardly remember them). The first time I entered a college and got ragged 😛 It was the first class on the first day and I was searching for the classroom. A gang of senior boys saw my helpless state and one of them came up to me and asked me my name. I was soo scared that I walked off without replying. This guy along with his friends then followed me to my class. They entered the class, came to my desk and the guy again asked me my name. This time I had to reply since I had nowhere to go. He then asked me my subjects, section and other details. Thankfully, they left after that.

My first school experience was pathetic. I kept crying on the first day asking for my mom. The teacher scolded and slapped me, which made me cry more. Finally, I developed a hatredness towards the school and refused to go there. My mom had to hunt for a new school and it was then officially my first school.

First foreign trip, first laptop, first ipod, first stereo system, first HDTV, first crush, first boyfriend. All these are special in their own way. And so is my first vehicle that I owned, Scooty 🙂 It was dearest to me and I rode on it everywhere. Now my scooty lies in a corner and weeps silently as its master has found a new partner. The master divorced the scooty and has now married a brand new car 🙂 I never took time to decide that 4-wheeled partner of mine. I fell in love with it, the first time my dad showed it to me. If there was a beauty contest amongst all the cars, I am sure my sweetie pie would definitely win it. It is so pretty and has such nice curves that it was love at first sight for me. The color is red, though not blood red. It is a cute shade of red. This being the first car owned completely by me, I am rather excited about it. We now have a new member in our family 😀

I was pretty scared about driving in India initially, owing to the way in which people drive here. Nobody follows any rules. People park directly under “no parking” sign and overtake from left. But yesterday after going for a loooooong drive, I believe I can manage to drive here 🙂 I am still scared of the buses though, which apparently rule the roads. We went to a far temple and I had fun driving on steep, curvy roads on the way back. I just looove driving and my red sweetie was indeed a dream come true for me. I so badly wanted to have a new car of my own. This was the reason for my absence from blogosphere and BAT this time. Hope to find more free time to blog.

Have a look at it and tell me how it is 😀


50 thoughts on “First is the best

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      1. LOL! Oh this made me laugh! 😀

        Yeah, it’s me 😛 Was “trying” to go anonymous on the web. Clearly it didn’t work. Bah! I hate wordpress >.<


  1. Hey enquiring you doesn’t count to ragging 😀

    I wasnt crying on my first day I was happily eating potato chips and watching other children cry 🙂

    You are so true about traffic. Esp no parking !


    1. Hey venky, yep true.. it’s wasnt exactly ragging but it scared the hell out of me 😀 no senior ragged you is it? lucky 🙂
      Yep driving in traffic is pretty painful 😦


  2. Congratulations on your new car !!! First things are always special, so true. My first gf ditched me big time to get married and I consider it so special a moment ! 😀 😀 😀


  3. Lookss cool. awesome..Congratulations..Have fun driving and stay safe 🙂 Whenever you get irritated with the traffic,imagine driving ur car on the golden gate 🙂


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